Vascular institute raises awareness for kidney disease

On Friday, October 14th, our Physician Liaison, Ryan Deady, was a guest on the News Channel 5’s local daytime program “Bluff City Life” to raise awareness about Kidney Disease.

On Friday, October 14th, our Physician Liaison, Ryan Deady, was a guest on the News Channel 5’s local daytime program “Bluff City Life” to raise awareness about Kidney Disease.

Ryan is not only a dedicated member of the Vascular Institute’s outreach team, but also a board member for the National Kidney Foundation Serving West Tennessee and a strong advocate in the fight against Kidney Disease. In this segment, he discusses the risk factors for kidney disease, how it affects the Mid-South, and what we can do to fight this disease.

Kidney Disease affects more than 37 million adults in the United States and most people are unaware that they have it. The Vascular Institute is firmly dedicated to raising awareness about the disease and committed to supporting the life-changing work of the National Kidney Foundation:

To ensure that families will have a place to turn when they need answers.
To keep up the fight for policy changes to protect kidney patients and living donors.
To drive innovation in transplantation and get more loved ones off the kidney transplant waitlist.


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Further Reading

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David’s Story

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